[PS笔刷] 真实墨水效果数字绘画Procreate笔刷合集

查看1038 | 回复9 | 2020-11-6 10:59:15 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本资源是关于真实墨水效果数字绘画Procreate笔刷合集,大小:13 MB,格式:brushset,为设计师提供精彩绝伦的灵感素材,使用软件:建议Procreate(Mac)软件。

Procreate 是一款安装在 iPad 上的功能强大、界面直观的数字绘图应用程序。它设有许多深受艺术家喜爱的功能,其中包括 120 种简单易用的画笔、高级图层混合、64 位性能以及功能强大的画笔引擎。由于 Procreate 专为 iPad 设计,所以它充分利用了 iPad 的所有优势。 创意人士非常喜欢 Procreate,因为它设计直观、速度流畅、原片处理能力强大,因此艺术家们可以随时随地创作出色的数字作品。
175943ovlm6h1z2kml02yl.jpg 175943uomu0rrb2bbbb7ku.jpg 175944qmvxxn0x1xe54n5t.jpg 175944cl1fldd73uu0xj8u.jpg 175944g1vlqgp277v9irx3.jpg 175944k53fnhfywqhxxnxp.jpg 175944ubaz6kd28abdg8ld.jpg 175944k6055gwhkz50h44h.jpg 175945j8hvqj9r9843y4e9.jpg 175945ldy1a5d74te554ge.jpg
About the Product
The Invincible Inker Brush Pack for Affinity Photo and Affinity Designer
Are you a comic artist or illustrator? Do you love the texture and flourish of inking by hand, but don’t have the time to work traditionally? Do you wish that there were a set of digital inking brushes that accurately captured the feel of hand inking? Well friend, The Invincible Inker is for you!
This pack contains 22 Affinity brushes painstakingly made from real ink, pens and brushes to give your work that authentic, hand-inked feel.
Having struggled to find digital inking brushes that worked well for my own illustrations and comic art, I decided to make the kind of brushes that I'd always wanted to find. I really enjoy using them and I hope you will too!
Please note: these brushes are for Affinity Photo and Affinity Designer only. These are raster brushes and so if you're using them in Affinity Designer you will need to select the Pixel Persona.
Photoshop and Procreate versions are also available to buy. Please visit my shop page for further details.

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